Monday, January 7, 2019

560106 and 601065

There is a remarkable property of the sequence of numbers 560106, 5606106, 56066106, 560666106, etc. Take any number of the sequence, say 56066106, reverse the digits: 60166560, multiply these 2 numbers, multiply the result by 10 and the result is a perfect square. Thus
$56066106 \times 60166065 \times 10 = 33732769778928900 = 183664830^2$.

To see this, let us denote the decimal digits reversal of a number $n$ as $R(n)$.   Let $a = 56\times 10^{4+k}+106 + 6000\times (10^k-1)/9$ for $k\geq 0$. Then $R(a) = 601\times 10^{3+k}+65 + 6000\times (10^k-1)/9$. The number $10\times a\times R(a)$ can be written as $30360100\times (10^{k + 3} - 1)^2/9$ whose square root is $5510\times (10^{k + 3} - 1)/3$.

It is clear the the digit reversals of these numbers, i.e. 601065, 6016065, 60166065, 601666065, ..., satisfy the same property.

Other numbers with this property can be found in OEIS sequence A323061.

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