Saturday, November 5, 2016

"Bots" creating news digests about "bots"

I use a news digest app on my phone to read a selection of important news in areas I selected. This is nice since it only lists news items that I am most likely interested in and saves me time in reading the day's news.  I think the news summary is created automatically via computer algorithms, since many times the highlighted quote does not make sense or is attributed to the wrong person.  In addition, the "to explore further" section sometimes points to unrelated and/or inappropriate Wikipedia articles. Sometimes, this is because the person in the news has the same name as someone who is much more famous, so the Wikipedia article is about the wrong (but more well known) person.

Today, in the "science" section, there is a summary digest article about news organizations utilizing "bots", or automatic algorithms to aggregate data and generate news article. It is quite amusing, since again the highlighted quote is attributed to the wrong person and the "to explore further" section points to a specific news paper and is tangentially related to the news article.  

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