- 2016 is the sum of the divisors of both the 42th and the 47th generalized pentagonal number.
- 2016 = 3^3+...+9^3 is the sum of 7 positive cubes.
- The sum of divisors of 2016 squared is a multiple of 2016.
- The 2016th Fibonacci number is a multiple of the sum of divisors of 2016 (= 6552)
- Both 2016 and 2016^2 has 0 as smallest digit and 6 as largest digit.
- The product of the proper divisors of 2016 is a multiple of the sum of the proper divisors of 2016.
- Both the number of divisors of 2016 and the number of positive integers relatively prime to 2016 that are less than or equal to 2016 are perfect squares.
- 2016 = 63*64/2 is a triangular number, i.e, it is the sum 1+2+...+63.
- 2016 = 6!+36^2.
- 2016 (in base 10) is divisible by the sum of their digits in every base from 2 through to 16.
Monday, February 8, 2016
Chinese New Year 2016
Today, February 8, 2016, is Chinese New Year. Just for fun, I looked through OEIS to see what interesting facts I can find about the leap year 2016. Here are some facts about the number 2016:
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